Rumbling Bridge Panel Member vacancies
Do you take an interest in local community issues and activities? Are you keen to see funding make a real difference in your community? The Rumbling Bridge Hydro Community Fund Panel is looking for two more members to represent the communities of Fossoway & District and Muckhart.
The primary task of the Panel is to make recommendations on grant awards from the Rumbling Bridge Hydro Community Fund and advise on the overall fund strategy, helping to shape the impact of the fund on the local community.
The Fund is provided by the Rumbling Bridge Hydro Community Society, which owns and operates a hydro scheme near the village of Rumbling Bridge, Kinross.
The Fund is provided for the benefit of the environment, and for people living within the Fossoway and District Community Council area (which includes the communities of Cambo, Drum Crook of Devon, Rumbling Bridge, Powmill and Blairingone) and the Muckhart Community Council area. The Panel is made up of people who live in these communities and we are hoping the two vacancies will be filled by two local residents – from each community council area.
Since last year Foundation Scotland has been administering the Fund and supporting a Panel of four to make decisions on fund strategy and spend. An additional two members will make the Panel an even more robust and diverse decision-making group.
As a new Panel member, you will receive induction and support from Foundation Scotland. The Panel meets up to three times a year.
To Apply
If you are interested in joining either of the Community Panels above, you can find the nomination form here
Please note: No previous experience of being involved in a decision-making group is required, as all panel members will attend a Panel Induction Session.
Please complete and submit your nomination form by 14 March 2025.
For further information, or to have a chat about the role, please contact Rachel Searle: rachel@foundationscotland.org.uk
If more nominations are received than there are spaces available, names will be pulled from a hat at random, ideally at the next Fossoway & District and Muckhart community council meetings.
You can read more about the fund here