Nourish the Nation Summer Food and Activity Programme
Grant size | Up to £10,000 |
Area |
Dundee City
Key dates | |
Application Deadline: | 27/05/24 |
Grant decisions communicated by: | 24/06/24 |

About this fund
Sainsbury's Nourish the Nation programme, in partnership with Comic Relief, aims to tackle food poverty by helping people access the balanced, nutritional, and sustainable food they need, right now and in the future by increasing access to holiday food and activity schemes for children.
Purpose of this fund
The aim of the Fund is to provide school children up to Fourth Year (S4) with improved access to summer holiday activity and food schemes. The programme will support organisations who already provide food and holiday activities to increase access and reach. It will also support organisations that currently do not provide such services but feel well-placed to deliver a summer food and activity scheme.
This programme will first prioritise applications from organisations looking to:
- Increase/improve access to holiday food and activity schemes for children with disabilities.
- Increase/improve access to holiday food and activity schemes for children experiencing food poverty.
- Deliver across the full six-weeks of summer school holidays.
Examples of projects that might be funded include:
- Expansion of an existing summer holiday food and activity programme, enabling more children to attend.
- A new food and activity scheme where an organisation is well placed to engage children and have the programme up and running in time for the start of the 2024 summer holidays.
- New ways to support children with disabilities to attend a holiday food and activity programme.
Additional criteria
Applications are welcome from organisations based in Dundee delivering projects and services to children and young people in Dundee.
You can apply for grants of up to £10,000. 10% of this can be allocated towards core organisational costs such as, but not limited to, rent, bills and staff costs.
Projects must be delivered during the 2024 school summer holidays for Dundee and be completed by 13th September 2024 (this allows some time for wrapping up delivery).
This programme will fund organisations with a total annual income of up to £500,000 in their previous year. Organisations who have had an annual income over £500,000 in the previous year will not be eligible for funding.
Comic Relief would like to visit funded projects and may host a learning session in September. The application form will ask whether your organisation is able to participate in these activities. Inability to participate in these activities will not affect the outcome of your application.
Who can apply?
All applicants must fit Foundation Scotland's funding criteria. Before progressing with your application please visit our Common eligibility criteria.
What can’t be funded?
Organisations with an annual income of over £500,000.
Information on what the fund cannot support is provided here.
How are decisions made?
For information on our decision making processes, please visit how funding decisions are made.
Frequently asked questions
How will the grants be monitored and evaluated?
While reporting requirements will be kept to a minimum, there is also a need to understand the impact of the programme so that what we can use this information to demonstrate the fund’s impact, learn, improve our future programmes, and provide information to Comic Relief and Sainsbury’s. We are interested in knowing:
- How the grant was spent.
- How many children the funding supported, including age groups and numbers of children with disabilities that were able to access the holiday programme (where possible/applicable).
- At least one case study about a service user who accessed your programme.
Contact information
Central Systems Support
Lindsay Lyon, Funds Advisor