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Victoria League in Scotland Trust

Grant size Up to £5,000
All of Scotland
Key dates  
Deadline: Applications can be submitted at any time.
Decision: Decisions take approximately 10 weeks from receipt of your application.

About this fund

The Victoria League in Scotland (VLS) are interested in funding projects that extend the hand of friendship to overseas students, studying in Scotland. 

The fund has a long history of welcoming overseas students to Scotland and aim to ensure all receive a warm welcome and support to help them connect to and understand Scottish culture.

Purpose of this fund

Priority will be given to activities that:

  • focus on and promote the advancement and development of the education, welfare, training and social needs of overseas students, international visitors and individuals or families who are studying in or visiting Scotland
  • help build positive relationships between different cultural groups, develop shared understanding of ethnic and cultural differences and, in particular, an appreciation of the culture and heritage of Scotland.

The Victoria League in Scotland Trust typically awards up to £12,000 in grants per year.

Who can apply?

All applicants must meet Foundation Scotland's Common eligibility criteria, please check this list before starting your application. 

What can’t be funded?

Please read through What we can't fund page, these exclusions apply to all Foundation Scotland funds.

In addition, for the Victoria League in Scotland Trust, we cannot process applications for overseas travel, courier or visa costs.

How are decisions made?

For more details on our assessment processes please visit How funding decisions are made.

How to apply

Applications are submitted online, please follow the link to register for an application form.

If you would like to review the questions you will be asked to answer before starting the form, you can see them here.

If you have any problems accessing the forms, please e-mail or call 0131 524 0300 and we can help. 

If you have already started an application and not completed it, please login here to resume. 

Contact information

For application process and technical enquiries

Central Systems Support

For criteria and fund priority enquiries

Linda Phillips, Fund Adviser