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Cairnryan Community Fund

Grant size Up to £10,000
Dumfries and Galloway
Key dates  
Application deadline (standard grants - decisions April 2024): 12/02/24
Application deadline (standard grants - decisions August 2024): 10/06/24
Application deadline (standard grants - decisions November 2024): 09/09/24

About this fund

This fund will support community-led activity in Cairnryan with an emphasis on rural regeneration. Applications must benefit the community of Cairnryan, Dumfries & Galloway, which is geographically defined by the community council boundaries.

Cairnryan Fund Panel commissioned a Community Action Plan, published in late 2022, which informs the Fund's priorities You can read the Community Action Plan here. The four key themes relate to:

  • The village hall and other village facilities
  • Thriving community life
  • Environmental and outdoor pursuits
  • Local Heritage 

Cairnryan Community Fund has been created with funds from ScottishPower Renewables' Glen App Windfarm in South Ayrshire; and Schroders Greencoat North Rhins wind farm. Approximately £30,700 (index linked) is available each year.

Purpose of this fund

Funding for groups

The Cairnryan Community Fund can award grants from £500 - £10,000. Multi-year grants can be requested, of up to £10,000 per annum, for a maximum of three years. Groups looking for under £500 should contact Cairnryan Community Council in the first instance (see below)

The main Community Fund will provide grants to support groups delivering charitable activities that support the rural regeneration and sustainability of Cairnryan community. 

These grants can support a wide range of costs and activities including equipment costs, running costs for local groups, staff or sessional worker costs, consultations, maintenance or refurbishment of community facilities etc.

Funding for individuals

If you are an individual looking for an Education and Training bursary, please go the Cairnryan Education and Training Fund page.

Micro grants

Sums of up to £500 are available from the Community Council for consituted and unconsituted groups, and up to £250 for individuals, providing the activity for which the grant is sought provides community benefit. Please contact Cairnryan Community Council direct for more information.

Who can apply?

Community Fund - Groups

Groups and organisations working to benefit people in Cairnryan can apply to the main Community Fund. Your group/organisation must meet the Fund's standard eligibility criteria. Your group does not need to be a registered charity to apply.

Applications from groups outwith the fund area must demonstrate clear benefit for residents in the fund area.

What can’t be funded?

Information on what the Community Fund cannot support is provided here.

How are decisions made?

Cairnryan Community Fund Advisory Panel decides on grant awards from the fund. This panel comprises people who live in the area and includes at least two members of the Community Council and up to ten other members of the community. 

The current Panel is:

  • Jamie Dalrymple-Hamilton
  • Mary McCormack
  • Chloe Cairnie
  • Kenneth Cairnie
  • Hansa Gajjar
  • Marc Houghton
  • Jane Bryson
  • Ben Wallace
  • Margaret Hope

The panel meets up to four times per year, usually in February, April, August and November. Minutes from the last twelve months can be found in the 'Useful links' section below. Minutes from previous meetings are available on request from the Fund adviser (please see details below).

Administration support is provided by Foundation Scotland. More information on the award making process is available here.

Frequently asked questions

How to apply

If you are applying for a Community Fund grant, please complete an online application form below.  

Completed applications and supporting documents must be received by the application deadline. 

If you would like to review the questions you will be asked to answer before starting the form, you can see them here

If you have any problems accessing the form, please email or call 01557 814927 and we can help.

If you have already started an application and not completed it, please login here to resume. 

Contact information

For application process and technical enquiries

Central Systems Support

For criteria and fund priority enquiries

Linda West

Fund news