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Foresight Kinegar Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund (Cockburnspath)

Grant size Up to £5,000
Scottish Borders
Key dates Applications can be submitted at any time and decisions are typically made within 6-8 weeks.

About this fund

The Foresight Kinegar Wind Farm Community Fund (Cockburnspath) supports community projects benefiting those living in Cockburnspath & Cove Community Council area in the Scottish Borders. The fund has been set up by Kinegar Wind Farm Limited, a Foresight Group ("Foresight") project.  Contributions to the fund are shared equally between Foresight and Neuk Farm landlords Arnot and Steven Findlay.

The fund opened in 2018.  An annual amount of £22,000, inflation-adjusted, will be paid into the fund each year for the operating life of the wind farm, which is expected to be 25 years.

Grant size: £250 - £5,000

Purpose of this fund

The fund provides grants to support charitable activities that:

  • Enhance the quality of life for local residents.
  • Contribute to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities.
  • Promote community spirit and encourage community activity.

Grants may support a wide range of costs, such as equipment, staff or sessional workers, consultations, running costs for local groups, maintenance or refurbishment of community facilities, and so on.

Additional criteria

The maximum grant size is typically £5,000. However, grants above this amount and/or over multiple years (up to 3 years) may be considered where the application demonstrates significant impact.

Cockburnspath & Cove Community Council has published a Community Action Plan for the area, based on consultations with local residents.  The fund will particularly welcome applications for grants that contribute towards the priorities and themes identified in the Plan.  

Applicants are encouraged to discuss project ideas with the Community Council in advance of submitting an application.  

Who can apply?

Groups and organisations working to benefit people in the Cockburnspath & Cove area can apply. You don’t need to be a registered charity to apply, but your group/organisation must meet our standard eligibility criteria

Applications from groups/organisations located out with the fund area will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must demonstrate a clear benefit for residents within the fund area.

What can’t be funded?

Information on what the fund cannot support is provided here

Additionally, the fund cannot support:

  • Applications that primarily benefit flora and fauna. Applicants are invited to demonstrate the direct benefit to, and involvement of, the local community and/or service users in cases where the grant application is concerned with flora and fauna;
  • Anti-wind farm or anti-renewable energy activities, including activities contrary to the interests of Foresight Group LLP or any member of Foresight Group LLP;
  • Activities that bring Foresight Group LLP or any of its members or Foundation Scotland into disrepute.

How are decisions made?

Applications are processed and assessed by Foundation Scotland. Decisions on grant awards are made by Cockburnspath & Cove Community Council, which typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month, and formally ratified by Foundation Scotland. 

Applications must be made at least 6 weeks prior to the meeting at which a decision is ideally sought.

Frequently asked questions

  • What if my project needs less than the minimum grant amount?

    If your grant request is for less than £250 you can apply for a Micro-grant administered by the Community Council – see Useful links, below. 

  • When must grants be spent by?

    Most grant awards must be spent within one year of being awarded unless otherwise agreed. However, grants awards may be multi-year in nature, usually for no more than three years, where requested and agreed in advance. 

How to apply

Please complete the online application form. Completed applications and supporting documents must be received by the application deadline.

If you would like to review the application questions before starting the form, you can see them here.

If you have any problems accessing the form, please email or call 0131 524 0300 for help.  

If you have already started an application and not completed it, please login here to resume. 

Contact information

For application process and technical enquiries

Central Systems Support

For criteria and fund priority enquiries

Niome Lucjan, Community Funds Advisor

Useful links

Fund news